Growth Chambers

For Isotopic Labeling with 13CO2

Carbon-13 growth chambers provide a well regulated 13CO2 environment for high isotopic enrichment and healthy plant growth. Isotopic growth chambers are airtight to minimize the amount (and cost) of 13CO2 gas required for a labeling experiment. This isolation also prevents contamination from atmospheric 12CO2. The growth chambers are equipped to provide climate regulation, nutrient delivery, and waste removal while maintaining the integrity of the isotopic composition.

Flux Growth Chamber

This growth chamber has multiple partitions that can be individually switched from a 13CO2 to 12CO2 environment, enabling parallel subsets of a growth to be differentially labeled over time

Integrated Microcontrollers 

Each partition has its own set of sensors and actuators for individual control 

LED Grow Lights 

Provide each partition with nine controllable channels of light wavelengths 

Large Growth Chamber

Provides a spacious environment to accommodate growths up to 4 feet tall

Equipped for long duration growths

Features include LED lighting, thermoelectric dehumidifier, and a photocatalytic oxidation / ultraviolet light air purifier

Small Growth Chamber

Compact and portable environment


Built on a cart for easy deployment and efficient use of space

© 2018